Klaus Nyborg
Member of the Board since 2012
Vice chair since 2013 and Chair since 2015
Chair of the Remuneration and Nomination Committees
Member of the Audit Committee
Born in 1963
Independent board member
Managing Director
Other directorships:
Bawat A/S (CB), Bunker Holding A/S (CB), Moscord Pte. Ltd. (CB), Uni-Tankers A/S (CB), DFDS A/S (VCB), United Shipping & Trading Company A/S (VCB), X-Press Feeders Ltd. (BM), Norchem A/S (BM), Maritime Investment Fund I, II and III K/S (Chairman of investment committee) and Returns APS (MD)
Board competencies:
Experience with management of global, listed shipping companies, strategy, investment, sale and purchase, financial issues and risk management
Most recently re-elected in 2024. Term expires in 2025.